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Realizujemy nowy projekt Travelling through cultures!

Hi everybody,

 in the summertime (August 2010) we started a new Comenius project 'Travelling Through Different Cultures'.

Our European partners are the schools from:

 Bulgaria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and Romania.

So, the project involves seven schools from seven countries and brings the opportunity to work cooperatively with students and teachers in a European dimention. We all can explore other countries, cultures, social systems and problems, ways of life and thinking, values and history. We want to improve our knowledge about UNESCO and the sites in each of our respective countries and to be proud of our European cultural heritage.

The preparatory meeting was held in February 2010 in Blackpool, England; (some schools took part via skype and it was a very exciting experience). The participating schools discussed the project in detail and set up a step by step process outlining for students and teachers how to implement activities and record the results of the project.

Our next meeting will be held in Slovakia; we are going to present our own hometowns and culture.